Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Bhutanese Bloggers e-conference

Thank you Madam Rekha Monger for the wonderful idea and Mr. Passu for sharing in blogyul and letting amateur bloggers like myself to know and be part of it.
Past few months I had been busy with reasons not even known to myself and my connectivity was restricted just with mobile Facebook. Few times I logged in my blog, tried to scribble and post something but then it somehow turned out to be futile, only adding numbers to my draft posts which already out numbered published posts. I was looking for a perfect topic to post after a long gap and this idea of blogger tag/ blogger e-conference definitely facilitated mine.

1. Why did you start blogging in the first place? And what’s the story behind your blog title?

Though I am in early stage of blogging and too little to be considered a blogger like one of you, I would not admit not trying to be one in near future. It was in 2011, I got myself introduced to blogging world after reading Sogyel’s blog and I accredit my writing inspiration to him. In the beginning I had my blog title simply as “Pemawangyel’s blog” but later as I don’t have specific category to write about and my write ups were mainly of memories, photography, (not so) creative writings, thoughts and happenings around myself, I changed it to “As I travel my life’s journey”. In simple, it’s sort of my own memoir.

2. How long have you been blogging? Where are you based?

I have been blogging since 2011 and currently am based in Ajmer, Rajasthan.

3. How do you schedule your blog post? Daily or weekly? Or as and when inspiration strikes you?

I tried scheduling my blog post weekly and that too on every Saturday, but by virtue of being a student with lots of study obligations on one hand and laziness on the other, I do post only as and when inspiration strikes.

4. Does your family and friends know about your blog?

My Brother knows about my blog and he is my inspiration and mentor. As I use to share my blog posts on Facebook, am pretty sure my family except my mom and many of my friends know about it.


  1. Good one, bro. Nice to see you back. :)

    1. Thank you for finding time to read my bakwas..lol..yeah its great to be back, wish i can be spontaneous like you!

  2. You are welcome Pema.

    Glad that you joined this tag, I'm surprised bloggers took it seriously indeed. This indicates our commitment and interest in blogging.

    Its interesting that your draft posts outnumbered your published posts. You should now do it otherwise...keep writing.

    1. ahha..yeah..will definitely try to out number otherwise in days to come.
      Will strive till it is so..have a great day!

  3. Bmmthaps are generally interested in arts and literature....:P.


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